April 21, 2010



She wishes to make it crystal clear
Before beginning this unapologetic slaughter
This has absolute resemblance to real incidents
And not based on any fictitious character

So it happened on a Tuesday morning
Without any prior intimation
Leaving her in great shock & anger
And a day filled with sheer frustration

They called her into the cabin
And greeted with a near-extinct smile
She knew there was something fishy
It was, she decoded, the devil’s wicked style

“We are really happy with your work”, they said
As if it were such a revelation
Then handed a shameful cheque
Calling it the apt compensation

Not an increment, an ex-gratia it was
Which clearly spoke of their evil plan.
They justified “We’ve suffered through recession,
BUT STILL we’re giving you whatever we can.”

She smirked and walked out
Not knowing what to say
Enough, she said to herself
Let today be the judgment day

She had sacrificed uncountable weekends
Had dismissed all her family time
Worked with a strained back, at unearthly hours
Even lost her sleep for writing a mere line

But she wouldn’t give into this anymore
THIS blatant exploitation
She walked into the cabin once again
This time to hand over her resignation


Jitendra Purswani said...

Liked the powerful reply. i can visualize it.
P.S - If you have ne contacts in ad agency in b'lore let me know, wifey is also looking for a job :)

bhumika said...


yea, will surely let you know!

Swati said...


bhumika said...


yea, finally. there are greater things to do and achieve...at this stage you know well what i mean :)

nikheel said...

Best wishes for another new beginning!
very well described though.
Keep blogging.

Dakota Carter said...

I like your blog.

light year said...

really like your blog