Afterall, why do we choose to travel?
Travel, I believe, is not merely a physical getaway; it's a state of mind. It is the willingness to move out of our comfort zone, to shed our inhibitions and escape into aimlessness. It is an outward journey to get a deeper understanding of the inner self.
We travel to become young fools again – to take great joy in the simplest of things and to unlearn the old ways of learning.
It lets us see the world with inquisitive eyes, which in turn bring in a fresh and renewed sense of wonder.
Suddenly, every colour...
every sight...
every taste arrests our senses... a different kind of high. And we are more than willing to become a slave of this sensory roller coaster ride.
Traveling makes it possible to tear away the ‘tags’ that we live with and see ourselves in the naked light. As Ray Bradbury puts it, “Half the fun of the travel is the esthetic of lostness”. When I am in a foreign land, I don’t think of myself as a sindhi , a gujarati or an advertising professional. I am just another face in the crowd. And in this process of losing oneself, we create an opportunity to decipher our true identity
To travel means leaving assumptions far behind, killing prejudices and seeing for ourselves places we thought we knew. And from the comforts of our home, we can only get a myopic view. No amount of google earth can bring us closer to the land we wish to visit. No amount of social networking can substitute the joy of getting to know people for real. And no matter how small the world becomes (thanks to all kinds of technology), there are always vast lands waiting to be explored.
So travel, the way I see it, is nothing short of some kind of divine intervention. It is the love of the unknown. And the lust for knowing it up close and personal. And this one time, I shall let lust take over love.
pics from my trip to Singapore last year
P.S.: This is my 100th post and this one’s dedicated to Prashant, a travel freak himself and who motivated me to write after a sabbatical of almost 2 months :)
Good read:) & congratulations for the 100th post. The first thing am doing now is booking my tickets & u better know where m off to :p
Awesome read. Totally worth waiting for.
An official "welcome to the blog" :) And yes, i better know where you're off to :P
Thank you. That made my day! :)
I was feeling great reading the entire post, and then I saw the last two lines :) made my day....
lovely writeup bhoomi :)
lovely trip
grateful to you for this one :)
glad you liked it.
i liked this post....Ya the work pressure totally puts you off and You want to escape into the nature...but its more of lust...i agree..
Beautiful post. As a way-too-frequent-traveler, I can relate a lot with what you write. I also have found that I can really only find myself after I lose myself. Travel (and all the drama that comes with it) has been one of my greatest guru's.
nice pics :)
welcome to my blog! i must say, wanderlust is quite addictive :)
so true. travel is such a great teacher. and yes, at times you need to move away to get a clearer picture of many a thing
glad you liked them :)
What a beautiful post, bhoomi :)
Enjoyed reading it :)
@ swati
thank you! :) since you are a travel freak, i'm sure you would have enjoyed it better!
totally disagree with the whole ' why we travel ' thing..
Love those jelly fish!
I really found your blog very inspirational..I will be definitely be coming back fo more reads..great blog...luved all the unknow aand explring about travel ..very true words indeed ;-)..p
Answering ur question of ; Why do we travel...i guess its because of the nature of the soul, as the soul keep s travelling frm one body to does it get joy in travelling...cause its thr deep within...if ya believe in tht kinda stuff...:)
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